No.3 健康美人 Beauty Legs DVD & Expander Chinese / English

No.3 健康美人 Beauty Legs DVD & Expander Chinese / English

DVD 200 min. 7 days program (PAL) Expander (Ruber) You can select from 3 types depending upon your purpose. Select “Power Tube” to slim down your upper arms mainly. Select “Balance Ball” to reduce your stomach bulge mainly. Select “Expander” to slim down your legs mainly. 健康美人キット1二の腕、骨盤エクササイズ\3,990 ピラティスダイエットエキスパンダーで徹底的に締める\7,140 楕円形で握りやすいトレーニングチューブスーパーソフト \2,100 高齢者・女性に適したソフトタイプ。

幅広15cm トレーニングラバースーパーソフト1.2m\1,764 疲れたところにぐりぐりグッとイタ気持ちいいやみつきぐりぐり棒\5,040 肩こり腰痛の方にオススメ!ソフトカバー付きやみつきぐりぐり棒\7,140 ヨガ・ピラティスマット厚手タイプでソフトな寝心地床の保護にも役立つ\4,410 健康美人キット1二の腕、骨盤エクササイズ\3,990 健康美人キット2お腹、骨盤エクササイズ\3,990 健康美人キット3お尻、骨盤エクササイズ\3,990      ノルディックウォーキング伸縮アルミウォーキングポール\9,450      ノルディックウォーキングライトカーボン伸縮アルミウォーキングポール\13,650      ノルディックウォーキング一本物ウォーキングポール\6,300     ノルディックウォーキング伸縮ウォーキングポール\8,925カテゴリトップ > 美容・健康用品 > フィットネス > ヨガ The supervisor of this menu is Ms. Ayako Suzuki. Change in one week only. Pelvis diet. 10 minutes a day and a 7-days program. Exercise menu to train inner muscles in pelvic region. Loose pelvis brings about a metabolic disorder and becomes easy to get fat. Fix the shape of your pelvis-base of your body and improve your body from the inner of your body. This is our basic idea. Slow exercises with slow motion. You can confirm the effect of exercises by a YOGA pose. For example, you can easily make a “standing tree” pose, which you couldn’t before, after exercises. You can feel by yourself the process and effect of pelvis correction and change to a slim body. 4 to 5 exercises a day and only 10 minutes. A day-by-day step-up menu. Even a beginner can do. Start lightly and increase hardness gradually. Complete with Ms. Ayako Suzuki’s explanation on exercise points. You can select pictures with or without explanation. Change to a beautiful posture and a healthy, feminine, ideal body. A set of DVD and fitness equipment. Original Type Available in narrations of English/Chinese.



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